Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Midwest Teen Sex Show

Hot on the heels of my last blog entry, I discover a fantastic website that proves without a doubt that not all Americans believe that sex-ed should focus on purity alone. I knew this, but it's fantastic to see some proof.

Midwestteensexshow is a website dedicated to educating teens about sex in a funny, provocative way, that actually makes the information entertaining. Even for an adult, such as myself, who is pretty well educated on the topic, the videos are watchable because they are genuinely funny. The topics are great too - the first entry was on Female Masturbation, and actually recommends jerking off as an alternative to drugs and alcohol, which I think is a swell suggestion for teenagers. There is a section for discussions, which also include videos, on topics like "How are you preventing babies?" and "Discussing the Dong!" which use language appropriate for teenagers and allow for open discussion, with little worry for the teenager about being embarassed to ask questions.

The videos are funny, frank, and honest, while containing all of the important info teens need to know, or didn't know they needed to know. I sincerely hope this website grows in popularity - I think it may, as it was recommended to me through a trend report from trendcentral.

They even have tshirts!


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